Freitag, 29. April 2016

Goth at (and) the Gym

Gym's are some of the non gothy places number one. But: wanting a hot and toned body is a lot of work and this is done at a gym the easyest way. And nowadays working out, eating healty and beeing strong is everywere on media. Watching tv is not working without some fitness advertising. And because of that i thougt, why not blogging a bit about fitness?

Finding the right gym is the first step. How far is the gym away? What does it cost? What do they offer?
Then there is the next step: Time. One of my personal major problems. When do i go? How often do i want to work out?
And number three: motivation. What motivates me to go? Do i have a training partner? What do i need to do to stay motivated?

When visiting the gym i sometimes felt really unconfy. All the bright colours and loud top 10 chart music makes me feel not good. So i needed to change someting. And i started with the music. Getting out my old mp3 player and packed it full of good heavy metal and goth music.
As next the workout clothes. I get myself some black shoes and trousers. And a top from "Poison Industries" what gave me a good feeling back. Finally i toped it with a black towel and water bottle.
For now you can see i am a goth at the gym.
And while surfing the net, i saw the #healthgoth website were you can find goth gym clothing
the healthgoth website

Dont want to go to a gym? No problem. The internet is full of home gym programs. They are mostely really expensive and high intense. Not the right for everybody.
But fortunetly there is youtube. Full of fitness coaches who showes you how to workout at home without a gym or expensive online training.
My favourite youtube fitness coach is Joanna Soh. She is crazy high energysed. But her workouts do really work. And also all recipes i tried out so far tasted really delicious.
here is the link to her official website: J Soh official

writing this blog helps me getting my motivation back to do more workout. What gets you motivated? are you haveing a motivation board? And what do you do to stay fit?

bat wishes, and have a nice day,

Donnerstag, 28. April 2016

DIY: Pincushion out of a ashtray

A few days ago i went shopping with a friend of mine and i found a really great looking ashtray at "TEDI's" - this is something like a german version of a Dollar Store. And because i am an non smoker i have no use for it. But will i really be a crafty goth when heaving no idea what to do with it?

And after a while of thinking - and sewing - i came up with the idea to make a pincushion out of it.

This is what i used:

- the skull ashtray
- pillow fluff
- black stretchy velvet
- cardboard
- hot glue

I start by cutting out a piece of cardbord that fits inside the ashtray with a bit of space all around.

As next, sew a long strip to a round piece of the fabrik so that it looks like a half sitting pillow and its a bit whider than the ashtray.

then glue the cardborad as bottom to it, leaving a small space to stuff it with the pillow fluff.

when its completely stuffed, glue the opening shot an glue it into the ashtray.

And now you are done with a really spooky and gothy pincushion what looks good on every sewing table and give it an extra gothy look.

I had a lot of fun doing this. And it would be great to see or read what unusual transformations you did out of Dollar Store finds, or did you have the same Idea as i did?
So, what are other sewing supplies that need to be gothed up?

bat wishes and have a nice day,


Freitag, 8. April 2016

upcoming sewing projects

Springtime is already here and, like every woman, i got nothing to wear for springtime. Its to warm for the winter coats and its to cold for summerjackets or nothing. The good old leather jacket does not match every outfit. So i need something new.
And there is the next (luxury) Problem: What i want to have does not exist or it is to expentive for me.
So i need to sew them myself.

I came up with two patterns. One for a jacket and one for a coat.

The jacket i want to mix up from two patterns. The patterns are published at the "Simplicity 4/2013" and are the numbers 34 and 35

so it is the green jacket i want to make with the collar from the red one. The really great on Simplycitiy Magazin is, there is a page where all pieces shown as a black and white painting. So it is really easy to think of it in black.
This one is made out of felt and will be pretty warm i think. The right for an german, cold spring.

 so here is the black and white version. This helps really. especially when thinking of a pattern what is sewn really colorful and with different types of pattern on it.

The second project will be the coat of an complete outfit, also from symplicity.
Its pattern number 7532, and you can get it here: link to Amazon

picture from
And i will make this out of black cotton fabric, lined with red fabric. I think this combination got the most vampire look. I will also wear this at this years WGT (wave gothic treffen at Leipzig) Maby i chance the collar. 

Hopefully, you will soon see a making of of this two things. Do you have the same Springtime problems? let me know what you are doing

bat wishes,

Samstag, 2. April 2016

DIY: Wall decoration

I am so sorry. My first Post is saying i am posting once or twice a week, and now i posted nothing almost two weeks. But i had a really really bad headake and were not able to sit in front of my computer. 
Now let's DIY:

the "naked" wall
The wall behind my dinning Table was empty, really empty and i needed to change this. And i decided to make a Lady Skull in a frame. Big, good looking and really easy to make. 

the first design
as first i searched the internet for inspiration. It was not easy to find a picture fitting my representations. So i sat down and took a pencil to make my own design. I am haveing some earrings looking quite similar to the design i came up with. A skull with an victorian inspired hairstail and an oval frame. The frame is topped by an bat and some bats are flying up one side. I was not sure if this is looking good and so i did not make the bats.

used materials:
-A big pice of thik cardboard. Mine was a huge packaging box
-the design 
-pencil and marker
-knife and scissors
-an old newspaper
-white glue

the cardbord cut-out

after drawing the design to the cardbord with a marker (i could not see the pencil on it) i cut it out with a sharp knife. the cardbord was almost to thik to cut with my scissors. 

the glued object

the cardbord had really not good looking edges. And so i finished them up with one layer of papier mache. and with some rolled up paper i gave some structue to the ornaments of the frame. It took really really long time to finish all the small edges of the cut-outs. But it was worth it. 
when finising all the glue-work i let it dry over night. And then the fun part was coming. Colouring it.
I took black acrylic paint and painted everything black. After drying again i put it up the wall by simply useing hammer and nail. 

And this is what it looks now:

This was an fun, easy and cheap project. Maby i am doing something like this for bedroom decoration. 

Hope you enjoyed reading this and maby i inspired you to do something similar. Then it would be great to see your work in the comments.

have a great weekend,

bat wishes,
